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Most of us might have heard of stories that are hard to believe. Tales that leaves us fascinated, aghast in disbelief and perhaps, even bewildered as to whether or not these are mere tall tales strewn from the wild imaginings of an idle mind. By nature, the human mind is an incredible machine trying to absorb every bit of information that come along. These bits of information are carefully processed and analyzed, while at the same time being earnestly crossed referenced to the vast amount of knowledge it has already learnt. As we already know, the human mind acts as data base of all that has been learned from the very day we have come in to terms with our consciousness. Imagine a sponge that has the capability to absorb all the waters of vast oceans, such is the power of the human mind.

Yet despite the power of our mind to comprehend and analyze, there are still stories and tales that defies the basic principles of logic. Naturally,something that cannot be quantified by a logical explanation is regarded by the human mind as untrue, false or at times impossible. However, it is another human feat that keeps us holding on to any information that we know should be discarded due to its lack of logical bases, curiosity. It is our personal attempt to try to explain and understand things or an experience thru investigation and analysis in search for the raison d'être. Hence, it is curiosity that leads us to corridors of the unknown and the unexplained in search of an answer.

It is easy for us to immediately dismiss things that are foreign to our understanding. Labeling such stories as mere fiction and a figment of somebody else's imagination, yet have we really went out of our way to ask the sequestions; where did this story come from? Is there any factual basis why this tale came about? Is it plausible?

It is in our lack of understanding that we immediately discard any attempt to know the truth. Fear is borne by our ignorance. Failure to comprehend things and occurrences summons our well hidden fear of things unknown.  Fears that are looming in the deep recesses of our mind come alive and effortlessly enter our consciousness once the cognitive functions of our mind fail to explain what confronts us. In an attempt to conquer these fears, our mind automatically switches to defensive mode by exerting a conscious effort to dismiss these thoughts by stereo typically labeling them as mere figment of our imagination.

Umberto Eco's character, Brother William of Baskerville, in his novel "The Name of the Rose" puts it succinctly when he said that the world speaks to us like a book. The signs are there for us to see and investigate, understand and learn from, comprehend and accept. The only way to conquer our fears is to understand, to embrace knowledge, finding the missing pieces of life's conundrum.

El Padrino  02.11.08

In 1935 Lazzlo Javor, a Hungarian poet wrote a song that was said to have caused almost 200 suicides around the world.  more....


When the Hope Diamond was stolen from the eye of A Burmese Buddha in 1688 it seems that a curse was made on all who would own it. more...



Multiple theories have come into view to explain the mysterious disappearances in the notorious Bermuda Triangle. Many of the accidents in the area are fascinating, and that the area does have some natural conditions that sailors and pilots need to be aware of. However, documented evidences  indicates that the number of accidents is unusually high or still unexplained. more...


Sirius, one of the closest stars to earth, beaming across space from 8.7 light years away, has a companion star, Sirius B. But Sirius B is so faint, invisible to the naked eye and could only be seen with a very powerful telescope. However, for the Dogon, a tribe in a secluded part of Africa, all this was just old news. It only confirmed what they had known all along. more... 



Egyptologist Douglas Murray neither liked nor trusted the disheveled American who sought him out in Cairo in 1910. The man had a furtive manner and appeared to be in the final stages of disease. But Murray a refined Briton, could not resist the blandishments of his disreputable visitor – for the American was offering him the most priceless find of his career. more...


They seemed to have died within a seconds of each other; their eyes stared in horror and their bodies were already locked in rigor mortis, some with their arms pointed to the heavens. more...


Has the ghost of the American construction worker put a curse on the Sunshine Skyway Bridge? That was the theory put forward by a Florida fisherman after nearly 60 people died in four separate shipping disasters at the Tampa Bay Bridge during the first five month of 1980. more...


It is the history and truth of peoples whose documented records spans a time long before ours began. It is a dark history so ancient that the real became legend and truths turned to myth. What proof is there that the legendary faeries existed and still do? more...


For the Lutzes, the house’s macabre history gave them the chance to buy a dream home at the bargain price of 80,000.  For the first two nights in their new home, the Lutzes were awakened by strange noises at 3:15 am. But the real horror began on the third night. more...


The creature that is said to inhabit the depths of Loch Ness in Scotland. Since 1936, there have been 27 recorded films taken of and hundreds of officially recorded sightings. more...


A curse that any President elected in a year divisible by 20 would  die before his term ended. more...


They wore ragged clothes, worse than the tattered clothing of most other poor Haitian peasants, and they stood around in sullen silence and they were called zombies. more...


Werewolves, half-man, half-wolf, have played a horrifying role in mythology and superstition. They are the spine-chilling, bloodthirsty villains of scores of horror movies, men turned into raging monsters, covered with coarse hair, with fangs for teeth, and slashing claws for fingernails. more...


MAGIC is defined as riddles of trickery, sleight-of-hand, and misdirection but MAGICK spelled with a “k” refers to rituals, chants, and ceremonies. more....


The mounting frenzy with which the barbarous names of power are chanted…ending in a climax which is both physical and psychological and in which the innermost powers are unleashed.  more......


The scriptures of religions all over the world recognize the existence of demonic beings. They acknowledge that these negative beings are focus to the commands of a leader, known by numerous names: Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Iblis, Mara, and Angra Mainyu, among others.  more........







Scriptures of religions

all over the world

recognize the existence

of demonic beings.

They acknowledge

that these negative

beings are focus

to the commands

of a leader, known

by numerous names.


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